Monday, May 10, 2010

Signs of Prostate Cancer and Its Stages

The increased incidence and slowly rising of prostate cancer are becoming a major concern worldwide. Cancer of the prostate is the most common cancer in males. I accounts for more than 14% of all cancer. Part of man's semen is produced by the prostate gland, an organ the size of plum which lies just below the bladder. The urethra runs through the middle of it. In men over the age of 50, the prostate gland often becomes enlarged, growing to the size of an apple and obstructing the flow of urine. It may also develop malignant growths. It's a wall-nut liked gland to be found in the wake of the penis, ahead the rectum and underneath the bladder. It environs urethra, the tube-like canal which brings urine and semen all the way through the penis. The prostate's major duty is to fabricate seminal fluid, the fluid in semen that keep and helps convey sperm.


• Hesitant attempts to pass urine.
• Small amounts of urine passed.
• Frequent passing of urine, especially during the night.
• The feeling, after urinating, that he bladder has no been completely emptied.
• Prolonged and painful erections of the penis.
• Total stoppage of urine.
• Urine is passed more often than normal, day and night. The urge to urinate is usually sudden, and it may be hard to hold on before a lavatory can be reached.
• Urine may be cloudy, bloody, and have a fishy smell.
• High temperature.
• Painful swelling or feeling of heaviness just in front of the anus behind the scrotum.
• Poor general health.
• Having a yawning ache in lower back, hip, abdomen, or pelvis.

In the anon stages, prostate cancer may multiply locally around the tissue or the close lymph nodes, named pelvic nodes. The cancer may multiply even beyond other regions of the body. The physician in a rectal test can sometimes spot local widen into the adjacent tissues. Where is, the medical doctor know how to feel a hard, permanent tumor expanding starting and ahead of the gland. Prostate cancer may metastasize in bone and lymph nodes. Including hip pain, back pain, rectal discomfort perineal and, weight loss, anemia, nausea, weakness, and oliguria (decrease urine input). Unfortunately, these symptoms may be his first of prostate cancer.

As soon as prostate cancer is perceived early, his probability of treatment is high. Men with cancer commonly experience sexual dysfunction before the diagnosis is made. Each treatment for prostate cancer further increases the incidence of sexual troubles. Treatment is based on the stage of the disease and the patients age and symptoms.

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